
Playing Dress-Up

by - 12:35

I've never had a friend who has had the same size of clothes as me, until now! Meg and I swapped our clothes for this post so in all these pictures I'm only wearing her clothes and she wears mine, except for the underwear obviously haha. I would describe her usual style as grungy, comfy and strong, she always seems so cool and looks like she's about to attend a music festival or some underground gig. Meg wears black most of the times and here and there a pattern shirt or a brown pair of trousers (or pants as she would say). Because she's travelling she's basically living out of suitcase so her choice of clothes is very limited but I still can see her own style and I think she's a pretty stylish traveller. She loves her black boots and her black converses. I tried to make her wear jelly shoes but that didn't happen haha!
Because of her grungy style I thought it would be fun to make her wear my-most-favourite-long-skirt-ever and this romantic looking shirt as it's not her style at all! Meg was checking herself in a mirror and I could tell she was NOT feeling comfy especially because she does not like wearing tight shirts. She said she felt like she was going to a ball and apparently it was her first time wearing a long skirt. I think she looks absolutely stunning! Don't you think?
Me on the other hand wearing boots..well that was something very unusual haha! I think last time I wore boots was maybe five years ago? But I felt so comfy in that pattern (and apparently so Australian haha) flanny shirt. I don't know if you have ever noticed but I never wear denim so that felt different. What do you think of my new carrot hair?

Nikdy predtim jsem nemela kamaradku, ktera by mela stejnou velikost veskereho obleceni jako ja. Az do ted! Meg a ja jsme si na tenhle post vymenily obleceni, takze vsechno, co tu mam na sobe je jeji a vsechno, co ma ona, je moje, az teda na spodni pradlo, to ma samozrejme svoje a ja moje haha. Jejich obvikly styl bych popsala jako grungy a pohodlny, zkratka strong look a casto jen all-in-back, obcas nosi nejakou tu kosily se vzorem, napriklad flanelku, to pry je hodne Australsky zvyk. Vzdycky me prijde, ze vypada nejvic v pohode a jako by se chystala na hudebni festival. Protoze ted cestuje, ma hodne omezenou volbu obleceni a zije jen z jednoho velkeho kufru, ale stejne mam pocit, ze si zvladla udrzet vlastni styl a je krasnou cestovatelkou. Miluje jeji kozeny cerny boty (tady je nosim ja) a taky svoje cerny Conversky, ktery jsem si uz taky parkrat pujcila, samozrejme jen se svolenim haha. Zkusila jsem ji navliknout do svych jelly bot, ale to uz mi nevyslo.
Kvuli jejimu grungy underground stylu jsem si rikala, ze bude sranda navliknout ji do moji nejoblibenejsi dlouhe zelene sukne a tehle tak nejak romanticke kosile, protoze to vazne neni absolutne jeji styl, haha. Meg se na sebe koukala do zrcadla a rikala, ze si pripada, jako kdyby se chystaka nekam na bal a taky to pro ni bylo poprve, co mela na sobe dlouhou sukni. Kdyz jsem ji videla, jak na sebe kouka v zrcadle, tak jsem videla, ze si moc pohodlne nepripada, hlavne asi kvuli tomu, ze nesnasi uple kosile, kazdopadne tohle utrpeni prezila a ja myslim, ze ji to strasne moc slusi a kdo ji nezna, by nepoznal, ze to neni jeji obleceni! Co myslite vy?
Na druhou stranu ja a kozeny tezky boty...to je teda neco haha. Takovyhle boty jsem na sobe nemela uz tak pet let, ale musim rict, ze byly teda silene pohodlny a co teprv tahle oranzova vzorovana flanelova kosile! Nevim, jestli jste si toho nekdy vsimli, ale dzinovinu nikdy nenosim, takze to je taky dost jiny. Co si myslite o mych mrkvovych vlasech? Jedna z mych nejlepsich kamaradek v Cechach ma oranzove vlasy a tohle obarveni bylo tak impulzivni, ze jsem si to ani neuvedomila a ted se pristi tyden uvidime a obe budeme mit stejnou barvu vlasu. Haha.
P.S.: Konecne jsem ukoncila tu cokoladovou giveaway. Zkontaktuji dnes nekolik vyhercu :).

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  1. Dobrý nápad:) Mě se moc líbí kombinace krajkové košile a zelené midi sukně, super! ;)
    Style by Eliza

  2. mne sa poslednu dobu zacinaju pacit farebne vlasy, aj ked na toto rocne obdobie by som dala nieco tlmenejsie, v kazdom pripade mrkvicku mam rad :D


  3. Tebe hadam pristane kazda farba :) Inak nos riflovinu, lebo ti pristane :)


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