
Skate Or Die..I Mean Eat Cakes!

by - 17:19

Happy New Year everybody! I had a really interesting year full of changes and surprises and I can only wonder what 2015 will be like. My new year's resolutions are: skate a lot, eat lots of different cakes, drink coffee and have a good time! I think this will be easy done. I'm eating a cheesecake right now and life feels great. Haha :-)

P.S.: If you don't know Gnarwolves you should check them out.

Stastny novy rok vam vsem! Muj rok dvatisicectrnact byl hrozne zajimavy a plny prekvapeni a muzu jen hadat, co se stane v roce 2015, urcite to ale bude stat za to. Moje novorocni predsevzeti jsou: hodne skejtovat, jist hodne ruznych dortu a cokolady, pit kafe a mit se fajn! Myslim, ze dosahnout tohohle bude jednoduchy. Prave ted si davam cheesecake a zivot je skvelej. Haha :-)

hoodie - Gnarwolves, trousers - Pull&Bear, shoes - Beyond Retro (VANS), socks - H&M

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