Coffee And Curry

I woke up the other day with a terrible headache which lasted the whole day. After a few hours I realised it's because I had NO coffee at all. I decided that I'm not gonna have any the whole day. Well, what can I say, it was a horrible day and I regreted it at the end. It's pretty scary to be addicted to coffee - I feel old, haha. I remember when I used to hate the smell of a coffee and now I'm one of these people who cannot live without having one or two...three, four?
My favourite place to get a coffee is Small Batch Coffee Company where they have the best coffee and everyone who works there is nice and friendly and hot, haha. I made few friends there and this lovely note is from my Kiwi friend Mela who is just too nice:-).
P.S.: I'm a beach. Don't be jealous.
Predevcirem jsem se vzbudila s prisernou bolesti hlavy, ktera trvala cely den i pres to, ze jsem si vzala v-Anglii-popularni Paracetamol. Po par hodinach mi doslo, ze to je kvuli tomu, ze jsem nemela ZADNY KAFE. Rozhodla jsem se, ze to preziju cely den bez kafe, ze to zvladnu. Bylo to priserny, byla jsem unavena, bolela me hlava a to vsechno jen kvuli nedostatku kofeinu. Tak jsem se citila stare a reknu vam, ze z toho nemam dobrej pocit. Pamatuju si, ze jeste pred par mesicema jsem nesnasela jen vuni kafe a ted uz jsem jako vsichni ostatni dospeli, kteri bez kafe nemuzou zit a kazdy den si musim dat aspon jedno, dve...nekdy tri, ctyri..ale kdo by to pocital?
Moje nejoblibenejsi kavarna je Small Batch Coffee Company, kde maji uplne to nejnejnejlepsi kafe a vsichni, co tam pracuji jsou hrozne mili a pratelstvi a vsichni taky vypadaji neuveritelne dobre, haha. Za tech par mesicu, co uz tam chodim jsem se skamaradila s nekolika z nich a tenhle mily vzkazik je od moji Novozelandske kamaradky Mely.
P.S.: Jsem plaz. Nezavidte. Haha

Pumpkin Curry from Pompoko
Everyday except for a week in Spain I go to Pompoko which is a Japanese street-styled restaurant in heart of Brighton and actually around the corner from Small Batch. It doesn't help that my friend Meg likes their curry too. We are both addicted. Last night I was in bed wearing my pyjamas and I said to Meg 'I want Pompoko'. We both got very emotional and I just had to dress-up to get it. I'm pretty sure they can recognize us now. Man, sometimes I feel guilty. It's not healthy to eat the same thing everyday, is it? But what can you do when it's so good? Cannot do anything. As I said Meg is my partner in crime so it's not just me going there everyday. I ALWAYS have the same thing - Pumpkin Curry and she ALWAYS has Breadcrumb Chicken Curry...and I'm telling you, you cannot judge me if you've never had it yourself.
So. That's what I've been up to lately. Drinking coffee and eating curry. Are you addicted to any food/drinks?
Dynove Curry
Kazdy den, snad jen krome tydne ve Spanelsku, chodim do Pompoka, Japonske street-style restaurace primo v centru Brightonu, ktera je hned za rohem od Small Batch. Moc tomu nepomaha, ze moje kamaradka Meg miluje jejich curry stejne jako ja. Obe jsme zavisle. Vcera po desate vecer, kdyz uz jsem mela na sobe pyzamo jsem myslela na jejich curry a rikam Megan 'potrebuju Pompoko'. Musela jsem se oblict, vyrazit do mesta a proste to curry koupit..Zase..Jako kazdy den. Cejtim se celkem provinile, predpokladam, ze to neni nejzdravejsi, jist kazdy den to same, ale co se da delat, kdyz je to tak dobry? Nemuzu delat nic! Jak uz jsem rekla, Meg je muj 'partner in crime', takze v tom nejsem sama. POKAZDE si davam to stejne - Pumpkin Curry a Megan si taky POKAZDE dava to stejne - Breadcrumb Chicken Curry...a pokud jste tam nikdy nejedli, tak me nemuzete soudit, haha.
Takze. To je to, cemu jsem se venovala v posledni dobe ve volnem case. Kafe a curry. Jste vy zavisli na nejakem jidle/piti?
Ja milujem kávu, pijem ju už strašne dlho a neviem si bez nej predstaviť jeden jediný deň :) :)
Milujem kavu. Jej vonu a chut. Patri uz k mojmu ranu. Kavu zasadne nesladim a mlieko si davam len vynimocne. Jednoducho, niet nad kvalitne silne esspresso :)
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