
Barcelona: Street Art

by - 18:31

(excuse my face - this is how I look when I'm tired and hangover and also after a longboard ride haha)

If you are planning a trip to Barcelona I would highly recommend that you find the time and attend an amazing Barcelona Street Style Tour ! I had a brilliant time and surely I would never be able to find so many amazing pieces without this tour. It was so interesting hearing about street art history of this old city. In the eighties Barcelona was the place where you would go if you were an artist as painting on the streets and on the mirrors was legal. Did you know that the Spanish government spends 8 million euros every year on cleaning street art from streets of Barcelona? That's so sad. During the big cleaning of 2006 even Banksy's pieces were painted over. Nowadays it's apparently hard to paint in Barcelona but at the same time there is new stuff popping out everyday.

Pokud mate v planu jet do Barcelony a zajimate se o street art, urcite bych vam doporucila jit na Barcelona Street Style Tour. Je to tour hlavne po Raval, coz je jedna z nejstarsich casti Barcelony a jsem si jista, ze bez naseho "pruvodce" bych spoustu z tech nejlepsi veci rozhodne nenasla. Street art historie Barcelony je hodne zajimava. V osdesatych letech tam jezdili umelci z celeho sveta, protoze malovat na ulici bylo legalni, v dnesni dobe je to naprosty opak a kdyz vas chyti muzete vyfasnout pokutu i nekolik tisic euro. Vedeli jste, ze Spanelska vlada utrati 8 milionu euro kazdy rok za premalovani graffity a street art? Behem "velkeho cisteni" v roce 2006 bylo bohuzel premalovano i nekolik del od Banksyho. V dnesni dobe je pry tezke malovat v ulicich Barcelony, ale presto se tam kazdy den objevuji nove a nove veci.

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  1. Krásny street art :) vidno že tam si na tom tí umelci dali záležať :)

  2. niektore su velmi originalne. fakt umelecke diela :) ja sa skusim na ne zamerat v Budapesti :)

  3. Nemáš ještě nějaké jiné zajímavé typy kam v Barceloně? S kamarádkou máme koupené letenky a nerada bych pak zjistila po příjezdu domů, co jsem zas všechno neviděla a mohla.


Thank you!