
Italy Tastes Good

by - 22:34

Not gonna lie - I went to Milan to eat good food. I took lots of naps there as well. It must be my favourite place for eating and napping. Apart from being lazy ass I really enjoyed visiting Milan's most popular cathedral Duomo Di Milano. You can go inside this beautiful cathedral but also to the top and walk around which gives you great views of the city as you can see in my pictures. It was really sunny up there when we went, there was quite a few people around and I noticed this one girl taking lots of selfies. I recognised she's travelling alone so I offered to take pictures of her and we did a proper five minute photo session. All different poses you can imagine haha. It was awesome. 
My Italian workmate suggested for us to try some good from Panzerotti Luini (bakery established in 1888) so that's exactly where I went on our first day (after a FIVE hour nap). If you go to Milan you have to go to there to try one of their panzerottos! I happened to go there few times during our trip and it was always packed with people. They even have security guards in there haha. People are loving pastries, aren't they.
Another place I enjoyed was Rossopomodoro - an Italian chain restaurant you can find even in London but I have never been before so why not. It was lovely. That tiramisu I'm eating in the last picture is from there.

Anywhere I went in Milan had great coffee and croissants. I appreciate that. I really wish I had some cultural trips for you. I was hoping go to Contemporary Museum but that was closed haha. 
...BUT I still have a little tip for anyone who doesn't know about this yet. It is about flight delays. So guess what. On our way back we had a five hour delay! Annoying, yes but what matters is that when your flight is at least two hours delayed on its arrival you're entitled to drinks and food and an access to phone bla bla while when it's at least three hours delayed you're actually entitled to all above (which is not that awesome to be honest, it hardly got me a slice of pizza) plus compensation money and I believe you can claim this four or even five years back. It is 250 per passanger when your flight is less than 1500km and when it's more you get more money. Read more about it here. You are not entitled to money if the delay was due to strike/bad weather or civil war or anything they cannot effect. You can claim your refund online at each airline's website and it's pretty easy and of course for free. I got my money within 3 weeks. Pretty good. That's just a little tip from me. I hope this will help at least one person. X

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