Te quiero, Barcelona
I spent last week in Spain and it was awesome. I had the best time ever. I loved Barcelona so much. It was unreal. I did heaps in just three days there. I was staying at my friend's Ana and she was so kind to me. I flew there just on my own and I loved it. I loved being alone during the day and just getting lost in Barcelona and meeting Ana and her friends in the evenings. On my second day there I got a message from my German friend Vicky who used to work for a same marketing company like me. She was like: 'Are you still in Barcelona? I just moved here!' how funny is that? I met her the same evening and got drunk with her on the beach haha. We had some cheap wine (don't ask me why) and later on I got this drink called Blue Lagoon (vodka and something haha) in a bar so you can imagine how I felt in the morning. With my hangover on my last day in Barcelona I was walking to a skate shop as my plan was to rent a board and go around the town. It was so sunny and nice but it wasn't helping my headache haha. I was considering calling off the whole skateboarding thing but then I forced myself to do it and I am so glad I did. In the shop they had a couple of small plastic old-school boards and then this huge longboard which I rented in the end. I usually prefer smaller boards but at least it was really stable. I went down few kilometres all the way to the beach and I was just loving the life! Haha. Oh my god. It literally was so good I cried. I got very emotional. Haha. I also went longboarding along the beach and I couldn't believe how warm and sunny it was. People were swimming and sunbathing. There was also this amazing skate park you can see in the pictures. How cool is that? Later that day I went on a street art tour which was pretty awesome as well. There will be a special post about that. After that I met Ana and her colleagues from uni for a Lebanese exhibition with food. Unfortunately I missed the exhibition so I only had the food haha.
I've decided I'm going to live in Barcelona one day. I'm not sure when exactly but it's happening haha. I am definitely going back for a few days in like April or March.
I was pleased with myself that I spoke some Spanish. I had it at school for a few years and first day in Barcelona I was feeling kinda shy about talking in Spanish but I got quite comfortable after a few days and by the time I was leaving Madrid I was just fine. It was a great experience picking up a new language. I'm so smart and perfect, right? Haha! :-)
I went to Madrid and Aranjuez for a few days...but let's brag about this next time.
I've decided I'm going to live in Barcelona one day. I'm not sure when exactly but it's happening haha. I am definitely going back for a few days in like April or March.
I was pleased with myself that I spoke some Spanish. I had it at school for a few years and first day in Barcelona I was feeling kinda shy about talking in Spanish but I got quite comfortable after a few days and by the time I was leaving Madrid I was just fine. It was a great experience picking up a new language. I'm so smart and perfect, right? Haha! :-)
I went to Madrid and Aranjuez for a few days...but let's brag about this next time.
Vcera jsem se vratila do Brightonu po tydnu, co jsem stravila ve Spanelsku. Absolutne jsem se zamilovala do Barcelony. Bylo to neuveritelny a stihla jsem toho tolik jen za tri dny. Bydlela jsem u svoji Spanelske kamosky Any, ktera na me byla nejvic hodna, mela jsem se u ni jako v raji. Bylo to taky poprve, co jsem jela takhle nekam sama a music rict, ze cestovani o samote je presne pro me. Druhy den v Barcelone me prisla smska od moji kamaradky Vicky z Nemecka:'Are you still in Barcelona? I just moved here!' Jeste ten den jsme se sesly a opily se na plazi haha. Pily jsme nejaky silene levny vino (neptejte se me proc, nevim) a pozdeji v baru jsem si dala drink, co se jmenoval Blue Lagoon, v tom byla vodka a kdo vi co jeste haha. Takze si asi umite predstavit, jak jsem se citila druhy den rano..a odpoledne..a vecer haha. S touhle moji kocovinou jsem sla do jednoho skateshopu pujcit si skejt. Po ceste mi nebylo nejlip a premyslela jsem, jestli se na to nemam proste vykaslat. Jsem rada, ze jsem se nakonec donutila tam jit. Nemeli tam moc skejtu na vyber, jenom maly plastovy a pak jeden obri longboard, ktery jsem si teda nakonec pujcila, byl pomalu vetsi nez ja, ale o to pohodlnejsi. Nekolik hodin jsem jezdila po meste a nakonec jsem jela po cyklostezce, ktera byla nekolik kilometru dlouha a vedla az na plaz. A bylo mi tak dobre, ze jsem se rozbrecela dojetim. Haha. Opravdu to byl jeden z nejkrasnejsich momentu v mem dosavadnim zivote, jakkoliv vtipne vam to moznazni :-). Jeste jsem se projela podel plaze a vsechno bylo dokonaly haha. Ten den jsem sla vecer na street art tour po meste, z ktere planuju postnout zvlast clanek. Pozdeji jsem se sesla s Anou a jejima kolegama z univerzity na Lebanonskou exhibition s jidlem, bohuzel jsem prosvihla celou vystavu a tak jsem si dala jen to jidlo haha.
A tak jsem se vlastne rozhodla, ze se prestehuju do Barcelony. Jeste nevim presne kdy, ale rozhodne se to stane do par let. Zatim tam aspon pojedu znova v breznu nebo v dubnu.
A byla jsem na sebe pysna! Mluvila jsem Spanelsky! Mela jsem Spanelstinu ve skole nekolik let, ale pak jsem ji nejak prestala pouzivat a zapomnela jsem ji. Strasne moc slov se mi ale zacalo vybavovat, cim dyl jsem tam byla. Musim se pochvalit, ze? Haha :-)
Jela jsem taky vlakem do Madridu a Aranjuez, ale o tom zase priste.
P.S.: Na giveaway jsem nezapomnela, zkusim to poresit, co nejdriv!
Krásne fotky :) Musela si si to užiť! Barcelonu by som raz tiež rada navštívila.
Vůbec mi to nezní směšně, mně takhle do breku bylo v Londýně a počítám, že se rozbulím až se octnu v USA nebo vysněném Islandu. :D Ale koukat na ty fotky je tak trochu jako koukat na fotky z jinýho světa, vzhledem k tomu, že tady je hnusně, už nosím kabát - a ty stojíš na pláži v tričku. Závidím, přestože Barcelona mě nikdy příliš nelákala, co bych teď dala za to tam být, haha.
ReplyDeletekrásne fotky! Nejake som uz videla na insta :) Rovnako sa mi paci aj tvoj popis, tolko entuzizmu pokope :) Ja som v Barcelone bola na par hodin pred desiatimi rokmi, takze si z nej vela az tak nepamatam. Jedine tak Gaudyho zahrady :D
ReplyDeleteveľmi pekné fotky :)
ja momentálne snívam o Berlíne <3 ale Barcelonu by som tiež rada videla v blízkej budúcnosti
ReplyDeleteKrásne oči ♥
ReplyDeleteℓα ℒιcσrηe - ℒa vie est ℓa petite ℓicorne.
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