
What happened in 2015

by - 16:26

Another year gone. It took me almost a month to write this.. so the fact remains is that I'm not getting any better with posting regulary. My written English still sucks (stop counting my grammar errors - nobody cares!) and my Czech is getting worse. I got nowhere with my Spanish - hopefully it will improve this year. I've got a plan.

I would like to share some pictures of me and of some of my awesome friends. 
I am going to be 23 in a month which is fine obviously and I'm happy being an adult haha but it feels like it's sort of time to learn how to cook (at least a little bit) and do the laundry on time to always have enough fresh undies. That might be some of my goals this year. 
 I am writing this at home in the Czech Republic in my parents living room. There's a burning fire, candle light and it is snowing outside - I know! It is a very romantic place to reflect on last year, isn't it. Are you bored yet? Basically I spent most of 2015 drinking too much coffee (love you Small Batch crew forever), eating take-aways, complaining about the clouds in the sky, working, worrying about money, planning travelling and meeting new people. Some of them became my friends, some of them were waste of my time. Ehm ehm. 

I really did meet some interesting people. I became friends with Roberta who is a very inteligent and very stylish lady. She works for Beyond Retro and we met thanks to Instagram. 

I also met Max who made my coach journey from Czech to UK interesting and fun and now we're friends. Did you see it? Yes, a coach journey. I did it again. Tragic. I mean interesting and fun. Right.

 I had an amazing birthday. I had a great birhday dinner where everyone followed my dress code and ate yummy thai food in my favourite Street Thai restaurant in The Lanes and then my best friend surprised me on the actual day of my birthday and spent almost a week in Brighton with me. Love you, Sabi.

The fact she was here was great but unfortunately during her visit I ended up in hospital. Last thing I remember is being on the street on my own feeling funny and looking around for help. I woke up in an ambulance car and was told I had a seizure. I fell straight on my face and looked like Joker's sister for a good week. It was all jokes to me at first and I loved taking selfies with my half moustache. Few weeks later I got diagnosed with epilepsy and let me tell you taking medication is quite annoying and tiring. Anyway, everyone has their own issues but I just thought it's worth mentioning because that was obviously quite a big deal.
I went to Amsterdam with Vojta and that was fun. I hope we will go for another trip together soon. Vojta is so crazy but brave with all his adventures and stuff. He works like a crazy person and then just leaves for days/weeks without making a big deal out of it and then casually comes back...with no money but in a good mood haha.

I also went to Barcelona three times and it was always awesome but I seriously need to visit some new places haha. I was fortunate to get paid for going there two out of these three times because of the nature of my job. I went with Patrick and then with Esther, thanks guys. You both are great friends of mine. I also got some new tattooes from Patrick in 2015 and met him for a coffee approximately 365 times :).

This is a dangerous game. I should stop mentioning any of friends otherwise those left out (I do hope you don't actually go on this blog) might think I don't love them as those mentioned but trust me it's just because I didn't take any pictures of you. Below is my friend Cathy who doesn't like it when her fringe is gappy but in my opinion she looks fabulous all the time. It is taken in my current bedroom.

Moving out of bedsit I used to live in to moving in with Megan and her coming to England was one of the most exciting things ever. I never lived with a friend before. We both cannot cook and we share clothes. She once ate my big Nutella but that's fine because she deserves all Nutella in the world. Little Aussie freak. I wish there was no visas in this world.

Our flat is so central and it's been great having my friends Nela and her boyfriend Ondra or my sister over at least for a bit. You might have seen pictures from our rooftop here before so you know it's a pretty cool place. Our windows are quite a disaster haha but that's not what makes a happy living. Happiness is hearing your flatmate's Rain Rain app so you know she's at home. It is finding chocolate and little cute notes on your bed. It is borrowing her shampoo when you run out of yours. Sorry!

...and I also met Jay. He is my boyfriend and a take-away soulmate. He hates mornings, cold tea and when I wear sunglasses at night. He likes skateboarding, loud music and me when I bring him food in bed. He is a feminist which means he chooses female characters in videogames. He feeds me chocolate and pizza. Yum yum.  

Blogwise I was in The Whiteppeper magazine and I am still so happy about that. I wouldn't have dreamt I would get to model for the wonderful clothing company Tallulah's Threads. I got invited to a gig of Szjerdene, store openings and vintage festivals. I wrote a few articles for The Brighton Fashion Week and reviewed an exhibition in London's Fashion and Textile Museum for them. There was two graffiti of me done last year and I cannot remember what else but THANK YOU.

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  1. This is a really cool blog I love it :) I think it is important that you mentioned the epilepsy, but it just shows how much you are embracing life and not allowing it to take over. Keep writing! Your amazing! take care xxxx

  2. This is a really cool blog I love it :) I think it is important that you mentioned the epilepsy, but it just shows how much you are embracing life and not allowing it to take over. Keep writing! Your amazing! take care xxxx


Thank you!