The Whitepepper AW Collection Launch Party

Few weeks ago I got an email from Laura Forest (how good is that name! i know) asking me if I would like to be one of the bloggers photographed for the new The Whitepepper magazine and obviously I was like YES YES YES haha. This is the best thing which happened to me thanks to blogging :). The Whipepper is my favourite independent label so being in their magazine is a dream come true. Do you remember this article featuring TWP satchel bag? <3 Anyway I visited their shop and they took some pictures of me wearing one of the shirts from their new collection. They are based in East London and when you come in it's not just a shop. There's a showroom, a photo studio and an office full of stylish and smart looking ladies! I felt really welcomed and I wish I could have stayed forever haha. They had lots of funny props in their studio like that alien mask worn by myself or elf ears worn by Emma, blogger for Archer Avenue. I got invited to their lovely launch party so one day after work I got a train to London because I didn't want to miss it. I was well surprised when I found out I got a whole page in their magazine! Look. Wow. We all got a cute cotton bag full of goodies including TWP socks, yummy popcorn or my Vita Coco Water. There was a DJ playing some good tunes. There was rum and gin... and also Emma Block who is a very talented illustrator and you should check her out on Instagram if you haven't heard of her yet.
The new TWP Autumn/Winter collection just arrived on their website few days ago so have a look. Unlike my pictures taken on film their collection is very colourful :-). I'm thinking about getting this coat. What do you think?
The new TWP Autumn/Winter collection just arrived on their website few days ago so have a look. Unlike my pictures taken on film their collection is very colourful :-). I'm thinking about getting this coat. What do you think?
Pred par tydny mi prisel email od Laury Forest (ktera ma nejlepsi jmeno, ja vim) jestli pry nechci byt jedna z blogerek fotografovana pro novy The Whitepepper magazin predstavujici novou kolekci. ANO ANO ANO, chtela jsem. Tohle je definitivne nejlepsi vec, ktera se mi stala diky blogovani protoze The Whitepper je muj oblibeny label.V tomhle postu jste mohli videt aktovku, kterou od nich mam <3 Takze jsem jela na den do Londyna a navstivila jsem jejich obchod, ktery je zaroven i showroom a office a fotograficke studio. Vsichni tam na me byli hrozne hodni a prala jsem si abych tam mohla zustat navzdy haha. Ve studiu meli spoustu srandovnich rekvizit na foceni, napriklad tu masku mimozemstana s kterou fotili me a ano, ma nejvetsi obava byla, ze do casopisu vyberou fotku, kde mam tu masku nasazenou na obliceji a to bude poprve a naposled co jsem se me nekdo bude chtit fotit haha. Pozvali me potom na party kde predstavili celou tu novou kolekci, byla jsem uvitana se slovy, ze v tom magazinu vypadam fabulous a byla jsem dost prekvapena kdyz jsem zjistila, ze tam mam celou stranku jen pro sebe. Kouknete. Na party byla spousta rumu a ginu a krome toho tam byla i ilustratorka Emma Block, ktera cely vecer malovala hosty a namalovala i me s Jayem. Moc se mi jeji styl libi, kouknete se tady na jeji Instagram. Vsichni jsme dostali tasku plnou goodies jako treba TWP ponozky, balzam na pusu a nebo moji oblibenou Vita Coco Water mnam mnam.
Novou kolekci uz maji na jejich strankach tak se mrknete. Narozdil od mych fotek na film jejich kolekce je ve skutecnosti hodne barevna. Premyslim, ze si koupim tenhle kabat. Co si myslite?
Thank you!