Amsterdam tydam dam dam

I found few undeveloped films when I was tidying my room (that doesn't happen very often to be honest with you) and look what was on them. Amsterdam! It's been ages since me and my friend Vojta went but I do remember there was bikes, people, cars, motorbikes EVERYWHERE. There was lots of waffles and I had a great time when we went on a boat cruise. I had some lovely pancakes in Dam. Once we got lost somewhere in north and instead of hanging out in some cool part where we were going we ended up by a little pond with ducks haha. I am definitely blaming Vojta for that (even tho it was my idea..). I think Dutch sounds really good. Also, Anne Frank house is worth the visit especially if you read the book.
P.S.: I kinda prefer pictures on film now. I wish it wasn't so expensive.
Nasla jsem par nevyvolanych filmu u sebe v pokoji kdyz jsem uklizela (to se nestava zas tak casto abych byla uprimna) a kouknete, co jsem nasal. Fotky z Amstru! Uz je to nekolik mesicu co jsem tam stravila tri (a nebo ctyri?) dny s mym kamaradem Vojtou, ale porad jeste si pamatuju, ze vsude byli cyklisti a chodci a motorkari a auta..VSUDE. Taky tam bylo hodne wafli a sladkosti a moc se mi libilo, kdyz jsme byli na lodi. Mela jsem tam skvely palacinky a moc se mi libila Holandstina. Jo a taky si pamatuju, jak jsme jeli nekam do severniho Amsterdamu, ale misto nejake zajimave ctvrti kam jsme mirili jsme skoncili u nejakyho rybnicku s kachnama haha. Za to samozrejme vinim Vojtu (ackoliv jet tam byl napad muj:). A dum Anny Frank taky stoji za navstevu, zvlast pokud jste jeji denik milujete jako ja.
P.S. Tak nejak se mi ty fotky na film libi vic nez digitalni. Kez by to vyvolavani nebylo tak drahy.
Thank you!