
Veggie Burger and Fries Please x

by - 18:53

Everyone is about that healthy life style and I'm just like 'veggie burger and fries please' oh and 'can I get more mayo please?' I've just had seven days off which I really enjoyed and my eating habits have been just the worst ever haha. I mean I usually eat junk food anyway but I get food at work which you could consider quite healthy. BUT when it's just my responsibility I eat earliest at 5pm in the afternoon and my dinner which I would have around midnight, I've been having three bars of chocolate everyday too wooohooo. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to have some chocolate or brownie bites (I always have them) just to go back to sleep.... True story.
Zdrave jidlo je jeste porad hit a pritom moji posledni zabavou je honeni
se za nejlepsich vegetarianskym burgerem ve meste a hlavne aby v nem bylo dost tatarky. Zrovna mi skoncil tyden volna a bylo to skvely, ale moje zlozvyky ohledne jidla se jeste extremne zhorsili haha. Teda abych rekla pravdu nezdrave jim asi dost (jsem ten nezdravy typ vegetariana:-), ale jidlo, ktere mame v praci je celkem dejme tomu zdrave. Takze kdyz je pak jen a jen na me urcovat, co budu jist, tak to vetsinou dopada tak, ze poprve jim v pet odpoledne a veceri bych vetsinou mela tak o pulnoci a prumerne kazdy den tak tri cokolady jeeej. Nekdy se i budim uprostred noci a musim si dat aspon trosku cokolady nebo brownie bites, abych zase usnula... True story.

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