
American Apparel Pleated Skirt

by - 19:48

top - H&M, coat - Zara, skirt - American Apparel, jellies - JuJu

So...I decided I love American Apparel haha and you cannot be surprised since I've been advocating for ethical and sustainable fashion. Their stuff is amazing quality and all sweatshop free. Weeee.

My favourite munchies at the moment (seriously have no idea what else to talk about haha):

1. Cadbury Oreo Chocolate
2. Strawberry and Cream Krispy Kreme doughnuts
3. Brownie
4. White chocolate cookies from Sainsbury's
5. Cheesecake

Takze jsem se rozhodla, ze miluju American Apparel haha a asi se tomu nedivite po tom, co jsem tu psala o ethical a sustainable mode. Jejich veci jsou skvele kvality a sweatshop free. Weeee.

Moje oblibene sladkosti posledni dobou (ocividne nevim, o cem psat tenhle blog haha)

1. Cadbury Oreo cokolada
2. Strawberry and Cream Krispy Kreme doughnuts
3. Brownie
4. White chocolate cookies from Sainsbury's
5. Cheesecake

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