
Brighton, I'm Into You

by - 17:26

I do love Brighton just like anyone else who live here. I mean, seriously. You cannot dislike Brighton and if you do you are crazy ha ha. I have been in a relationship with this place for almost two years and it is getting serious. :-)

P.S.: I went to Amsterdam and Barcelona last month and I'm going back to Barca next week on Sunday so hopefully I will be posting some nice pictures :-). Oh and I got a tattoo from one of my bestest friends again. Here it is.
Miluju Brighton, snad jako kazdy, kdo tu bydli, protoze uprimne, kdo tu bydli a stezuje si, musi byt blazen haha. Uz jsem ve vztahu s timhle mestem pomalu dva roky a musim rict, ze to zacina byt dost vazny :-).

P.S. Byla jsem v Amsterdamu a v Barcelone a jedu tam zase v nedeli, tak je snad na co se tesit co se tyka fotek :-). A vcera jsem si nechala dat od jednoho z mych nejlepsich kamaradu tetovani, kouknete tady.

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  1. haha, mas pravdu! desne moc se potrebuju vratit! co nejdriv! .D

  2. i know exactly what you mean. visited last month and i'm coming back in july because this city is simply amazing!
    cool photos, that last one looks like from a movie :)


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