Lost and Found: People and Coastal Fog

“A thin grey fog hung over the city, and the streets were very cold; for summer was in England.”
― Rudyard Kipling

The other day I remembered that I had two undeveloped films and I got them done. I didn't remember what pictures I took so it was exciting to see as I completely forgot about those from the beach. They are all from winter/spring 2014.
I love being on the beach when it's foggy.Pred nekolika dny jsem jsi vzpomnela, ze mam doma dva nevyvolane filmy ze zimy/jara minuleho roku, uplne jsem zapomnela, jake fotky jsem to vubec fotila.
I love being on the beach when it's foggy.Pred nekolika dny jsem jsi vzpomnela, ze mam doma dva nevyvolane filmy ze zimy/jara minuleho roku, uplne jsem zapomnela, jake fotky jsem to vubec fotila.
Miluju plaz, kdyz je mlha.
Krásné fotky :)
ReplyDeletethese look magical!
ReplyDeleteThank you!