
Judy's 'Brighton Open Market' Takeover!

by - 13:36

Emily the Manager :) !


One thing I love about Brighton (as you my now) are vintage markets, fairs and festivals or whatever you want to call it. I don't love them just for clothes but also for delicious cakes and friendly people :-). The Open Market re-opened few months ago near The Level skate park (where I am too scared to go and skate ha ha) and I think it's a brilliant place.. and from what I've heard there should be a vintage market every first Sunday of the month now which is great. One problem with vintage stuff is that sometimes business owners put prices to high for no reason BUT this time it wasn't that case. I though prices were reasonable and the entry was for free.
Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair is UK's well known market and one of the biggest ones. My favourite thing is always 5 pounds clothes rails haha. I grabbed a nice shirt there.
For the first time I felt brave enough to take pictures of strangers and their outfits. Well. As you can see I ask only a few people but still!
I was thinking about doing Brighton street fashion. What do you think?
Jedna vec, kterou miluju na Brightonu jsou vintage markety, festivaly, trhy...no rikejte tomu, jak chcete, mam to rada. Haha. Pokazde je to vlastne podobne: vintage obleceni, mnamozni dorty a mili lide :-). The Open Market byl znovu otevren pred par mesici u The Level, coz je skate park, kam se bojim jit skejtovat v normalni denni hodinu, haha.
Juddy's Market je jeden z nejvetsich a nejslavnejsich fashion vintage marketu v UK. To, co se mi libilo, krome dortu, byly stojany "vse za 5 liber", ten problem s vintage oblecenim obecne je, ze nekteri prodejci nasazuji ceny strasne vysoko a to je dost smesny, protoze si umim predstavit, jak pulku tech veci, co prodavaji, vytahli nekde u tety na pude. Na tomhle marketu jsem ten pocit ale nemela a navic byl vstup zadarmo.
Poprve v zivote jsem se taky odhodlala a zeptala se cizich lidi, jestli si muzu vyfotit jejich outfity, jak vidite, tak mam tech fotek jen par, takze zas az tak statecna jsem nebyla.
Premyslela jsem, ze bych mohla fotit modu z ulic Brightonu. Co si myslíte? Zajimalo by vas to vubec?

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  1. Jo jo jo, ty outfity jsou super! :)

  2. ano, ano, ano. Jednoznacne. Budem sa tesit aj na takeko clanky:)

  3. Aaa tam bych hned šla, vypadá to strašně skvěle a stylově. Miluju tvý články.♥

  4. Ah there's me! In the blue fluffy jumper and yellow skirt :)
    I hope you had a good time!

  5. co mas take krasne vlasy waauu :)

  6. Jé, není to Briar Rose? :)
    Brighton je raj, takze outfity a vubec vsechno z ulic Brightonu jedine ocením!


Thank you!