Brighton Fashion Week 2014

dress made of Tesco's plastic bags

If you are following me on Instagram you probably know already that I went to Brighton Fashion Week. My favourite website asked me to cover this exciting event for them and it was amazing! My 'plus one' was my Aussie friend Meg and she helped me with writing all articles which was brilliant. It was a bit of a challenge for me to take pictures as I have never taken pictures of a fashion show before. We had such a good time and I loved being VIP haha. First of all we went to Sustain Debate which was very inspiring. After that we went to Pompoko and got some cheap curry haha. When we got to The Old Ship hotel (still pretty full of that curry haha) where Brighton Fashion Week was based we got bags full of great freebies...and of course I liked that hah. We had few drinks and we got a chance to talk to very interesting and successful people.. Sustain Catwalk and Zeitgeist Emerging Talent Catwalk were both brilliant shows and you can read our articles HERE. Both shows featured young aspiring designers who I can tell have a bright future ahead of themselves. I was in heaven haha. It made me realize how much I love fashion and I couldn't be more greateful to WeLoveBrighton for this amazing opportunity. We also went to ShowReel on Sunday but I'll talk about that next time.
Please head to and MD's Melodies.
Pokud me sledujete na Instagramu, tak uz mozna vite, ze jsem se zucastnila Brighton Fashion Weeku minuly vikend. Muj oblibeny web me pozadal, zda bych pro ne nechtela napsat par recenzi a nafotit fotky no a to je prece nabidka jaka se neodmita haha. Foceni fashion show byla docela challenge, protoze jsem to nikdy predtim nedelala a hlavne sama sebe nepovazuju za fotografa a taky to takhle dopadlo haha. Moje 'plus one' byla moje kamoska Meg, ktera je u me uz zase na navsteve a spolu jsme dohromady napsaly vsechny recenze, ktere muzete videt TADY, je tam take vice fotek z show:-). Bylo to neuveritelny a strasne jsem si uzila byt VIP! Nejdriv jsme byly na Sustain debate, ktera se zabyvala etickou modou a tim, jake zmeny musi v modnim prumyslu nastat. Pred nekolika mesici jsem cetla skvely clanek od Melisy a pokud vas tohle tema zajima, tak kouknete tu. Po debate jsme mely hlad a tak jsme sly na levne curry do Pompoka a z levne restaurace rovnou do luxusniho Old Ship hotelu haha, kde se konal Brighton Fashion Week cely patek. Hned po prichodu jsme jako VIP dostaly tasku plnou super freebies, byl tam i dzus a bramburky haha. Daly jsme si par drinku a mely jsme sanci poznat spoustu uspesnych a zajimavych lidi. Sustain Catwalk a Zeitgeist Emerging Talent Catwalk byly obe uzasny show a neuveritelne jsme si uzivala sedet v prvni rade (meli jsme videt moje nadseni, kdyz jsem nasla ceduli se svym jmenem haha). Uvedomila jsem si, jak moc miluju modu a nemohla bych byt vdecnejsi za takovouhle prilezitost. V nedeli jsme jeste sly na ShowReel, ale o tom zase priste.
Nezapomente na Meganin blog o hudbe.
Nezapomente na Meganin blog o hudbe.
Závidím tvojí kamarádce, já chci být tvé +1! :D Ty šaty z tašek z tesca jsou, no.. zajímavé.:):D
ReplyDeleteskvele;) pekne designy, zajimave
ReplyDeletemusela to byt skvela skusenost :) inak si zmenila uces??
ReplyDeleteThank you!