
My 6 Goals For Next 6 Months

by - 14:56

In my opinion it’s important to have some motivation and personal goals. You can start with small goals and then focus on those which take some while/years to achieve. My dreams grow every second, haha.
In next 6 months I want to:
1. Learn English Accent
It’ll take more than a half year but I wanna see the difference.
2. Improve Spanish
I work in a company where almost everyone is spanish. It’s one of the most spoken language in the world. I love languages and the sound of Spanish.
3. To Film Document About Gay Community in Brighton & Hove
I’m still looking for people who will share their lives.. is it you? Are you gay based in B & H? Contact me! Brighton is called ” a gay capital of UK” so I’m sure it is gonna be very interesting.
4. Visit At Least 5 UK Cities
That is easy to achieve and I hope for more than just five. So far I’ve visited London, Kent, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Eastbourne.
5. Start To Work-Out
My friend are definitelly laughing on the floor because I’m known as a very lazy person with big love for sleeping. But I’ll do my best.
6. Keep Writing This Blog And Find Readers
I was thinking about what should I write to don’t bore people half to death. I’ve got some new ideas so we’ll see.

I don't know if anyone will ever read this but I am here in 2018 reading this article and just want it to tell you I am laughing so hard right now because I haven't basically achieved any of the goals and it has been five years....okaaaay. 

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