Come To Our Rooftop
For the fifth time in last two years I moved again! I left my old little bedsit in Kemptown for a flat in central Brighton which I share with my friend Meg, we share Nutella and life is good. I love sitting on my window and watching people in the park. There is people playing music all the time..sometimes it's nice..sometimes it's not that nice haha. But I really like it here and I'm fine with the noise as the one thing which was really annoying at my old place was my neighbour upstairs. That guy was crazy and I cannot even say how many times he woke me up in the middle of the night so it's nice to live somewhere where the walls are not made out of paper haha.
Also, as you can see, we found we've got a rooftop! Awww, how good is that.
Apart from that I've been alright, summer finally got to Brighton (not today, today is raining..) and I spent many afternoons on the beach or in the park drinking Iced Flat White which has Boho Gelato icecream inside..yum.
One thing which bothers me is that I won't be able go to New York this September as I planned. I called the embassy and my appointment for a passport (yep, I don't have one - I only have an ID which is enough to travel around Europe) is at the end of August and then it takes another EIGHT weeks to actually get it. I'm sorry but that's just long! I guess I'll just have to go to NY in winter or something.
My best friend Sabina is coming for over a week in three days which is so exciting and I cannot wait to just sleep, eat and drink..basically that's what we did last year and it was great.
...and last thing which has been on my mind is moving to Spain. I'm thinking about moving to Barcelona next year before the summer. I have to do it otherwise I'm never going to be fluent in Spanish.
Also, as you can see, we found we've got a rooftop! Awww, how good is that.
Apart from that I've been alright, summer finally got to Brighton (not today, today is raining..) and I spent many afternoons on the beach or in the park drinking Iced Flat White which has Boho Gelato icecream inside..yum.
One thing which bothers me is that I won't be able go to New York this September as I planned. I called the embassy and my appointment for a passport (yep, I don't have one - I only have an ID which is enough to travel around Europe) is at the end of August and then it takes another EIGHT weeks to actually get it. I'm sorry but that's just long! I guess I'll just have to go to NY in winter or something.
My best friend Sabina is coming for over a week in three days which is so exciting and I cannot wait to just sleep, eat and drink..basically that's what we did last year and it was great.
...and last thing which has been on my mind is moving to Spain. I'm thinking about moving to Barcelona next year before the summer. I have to do it otherwise I'm never going to be fluent in Spanish.
I gotta go. I've got cakes to eat and films to watch. xx
P.S.: I got another tattoo from my friend Patrick. Look.
Tak jsem se opet prestehovala, je to uz po pate za posledni dva roky. Opustila jsem po roce svuj stary bedsit v Kemptownu pro byt v centru Brightonu, ktery sdilim s moji kamaradkou Meg. Bavi me sedet na okne a cist si a nebo spis presneji me bavi pozorovat lidi v parku. Pokud neprsi, vzdycky nekdo venku hraje hudbu, nekdy je to fajn a nekdy to zas tak fajn neni haha. Ale moc se mi tu libi a na hluk zvenku jsem si zvykla a cekala jsem to a uprednostnuju tohle, nez souseda, ktery nademnou bydlel v predchozim byte..nevim ani kolikrat me vzbudil uprostred noci svou prisernou hrou na kytaru nebo jen tim, ze se prochazel tri hodiny po byte. Jsem rada, ze jsem se ho vzbudila. Je to fajn bydlet nekde, kde nejsou zdi z papiru.
A taky tu mame velkou strechu, kde jsme prave fotily s Meg tyhle fotky. Je to moje nove oblibene misto.
Krome toho, ze jsem se prestehovala, jsem se mela celkem dobre, leto dokonce dorazilo uz i do Brightonu (dneska teda ne, dneska prsi..) a stravila jsem spoustu odpoledni a veceru na plazi a nebo v parku se zmrzlinou a Iced Flat White, to je ted moje oblibeny kafe. Jsou v tom dva shoty espressa a hlavne dva kopecky zmzrliny z Boho Gelato yum.
Jedna vec, co me trochu stve je, ze nepojedu v zari do New Yorku, jak jsem planovala. Pred dvema tydny jsem volala na ambasadu, abych si vyridila pas (ano, mam jen obcanku, ktera mi staci na vse po Evrope) a mam schuzku az na konci srpna a pak to trva dalsich osm tydnu, nez ten pas vubec fyzicky ziskam. To mi prijde jako hodne dlouhej proces.. Tak snad se do NY podivam v zime a nebo na jare.
Moje nejlepsi kamaradka Sabina (kterou jsem tu mela uz nekolikrat) zitra vyrazi na cestu za mnou a uz se nemuzu dockat, jak budeme spat, jist, pit presne jako minule leto.
...a posledni vec na kterou jsem myslela posledni dobou je stehovani do jine zeme, presneji do Spanelska. Premejslim, ze bych se prestehovala do Barcelony pristi rok nekdy na jare a nebo v lete. Rikala jsem si, ze pokud se tam neprestehuju, tak nikdy Spanelsky plynne umet nebudu!
Ted uz musit jit. Mam v planu jit si dat banoffee pie a koukat na filmy. xx
P.S.: Vcera jsem si nechala udelat novy tetovani, opet od Patricka. Kouknete tady.
Wow ten výhled je opravdu luxusní! :)
ReplyDeleteHej Brighton. Ja som tam bola minulý mesiac na stáži a to miesto si ma neuveriteľne získalo. Nebolo to také mravenisko ako v hlavnom meste Anglicka a ani budovy vo mne nevyvolávali pocity podobné klaustrofóbii. No predsa sa mi páčilo to ako sa ľudia na ulici nepozerali cez prsty na každého kto čo i len trošku vybočil z normy a celkovo sa mi tam páčilo. Dokonca aj tie uškriekané lietajúce potvory mi pripadali zábavné (a to mi raz jedna čajka ešte aj obed z rúk ukradla) Slovom o tom mieste by som snáď vedela vykladať do aleluja aj kúsok. Uznám nie je to to vysnené miesto pre každého, no ja som si tam pripadala ako doma.
ReplyDeleteInak ako tak pozerám, práve popri tej veži s hodinami som zvykla jazdiť do a z práce na St James's street. :-D
Thank you!