
Make Up and Style Academy Brighton - Workshop

by - 23:23

I would love to tell you about the new and exciting Make Up and Style Academy which just opened in Brighton and please let me invite you to their workshop next week on 4th November! A lot will be covered on the day and you can learn all about what actually happens during a fashion shoot including styling, makeup and photography. Just read more on their website. There are also seperate workshops for those who are more focused on makeup rather than editorial, styling and photography work. 
This academy just launched in Brighton but its founders are no newbies in the fashion industry. Katie Pettigrew and Camilla Turner have more than twenty years of experience and they have worked with Vogue, Glamour, Marie Clare, Confused and many other magazines and brands such as Nike, Armani, Sony Music etc. That already speaks for itself but if you need more convincing just look at this amazing editorial work or this wonderful hair styling
I will be there at the workshop and will write another blogspost with some behind-the-scenes photography telling you all about how it went and what I learnt on the day. I honestly cannot wait! 

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