
This Is My MonkiStyle

by - 21:05

coat and bag - Monki, trousers - Zara, dirty shoes - Timberlands
(I don't shop in Zara anymore, these are old)

I always get obsessed with something and that's it for me. At the moment it is pizza with nutella, Innocent smoothies, Friends and Monki!
I am new to having weekends off. In my previous job I chose to work every weekend so this is really new to me. I am getting used to it now and you know I was really worried there will be too many people everywhere during the weekends but unless you go to Kensington Gardens or near Churchill square you are safe. People don't even go to the beach much during the winter - I am glad they don't because I do and I love being there alone. There's only dog walkers who pass quickly and occasional swimmers (yes, mental!) and runners who lie down on the beach to absorb sun and feel super healthy and connected to the nature being sweaty and thirsty. So yeah beach is still safe. At least for the next few months before every resident in Brighton remember they 'do love to be beside the seaside' -oh my god I don't know what's more annoying is it this phrase or 'keep calm and...' please let's not say that.
The good thing about Saturdays is the market on Upper Garden St. where you can buy lots of different stuff and that's why I don't usually buy anything unless there's that guy who sells nice avocados. I am a dream of every stand-keeper what can I say. Hey, they sell cutlery which still has dinner on them. Come on. What's that about.
Another good thing about having weekends off is fairs and events and all the things I couldn't attend before when I worked. I also have Mondays off. I love Mondays. That's probably all what's good about weekends I figured out so far.

P.S.: You should really check out Monki. It is amazing and they've got sale on at the moment.

These photos were taken by my friend and photographer Vasil Dzhagalov. Thanks Vas! I really appreciate it. Have a look at his website.

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