
Make Time For It & Gresham Blake: Hotel Pelirocco

by - 23:11

This event was hosted in the coolest hotel in Brighton. Hotel Pelirocco has many themed amazing rooms. Have a look at their website! We got a chance to see some of the rooms and they look even better in the flesh.

I hate my fringe in this photo (so serious :D) and yes we have to talk about this important issue facing all people with fringe. It is not an easy life my dear readers and whenever bringing 'plus two's' to an event make sure you choose people who ARE going to tell you if your fringe is slacking. That is my advice for you. Obviously I failed this by bringing Jay and Jose who did not care for me looking good in the photos haha! Maybe they drank too much of that Greenwich beer? I hope so because otherwise there's no excuse. I try not to look too messy in the photos but I guess it is more honest.

Gresham's bespoke waistcoat made for this special occasion.

Two thirsty Londoners.

A very sharp photograph of Chocolate Beer.

So upset about the fringe still.
jumper - Monki, fringe - very bad ;)

This was a lovely little event where everybody had opportunity get drunk for free I mean taste great limited collection of craft beers and to stuff themselves with free food.. I mean to see a waistcoat made by Gresham Blake. Blake was challenged by Meantime Brewing Company to create this waistcoat within 6 weeks. This is also how long it takes to brew their beers in London and for me to do my laundry. This was a perfect event for beer nerds and people who like unusual flavours such as Wheat Beer or Chocolate Porter. 
Also, later there was great nachos and lots of different nibbles which I don't remember but I know they were great. Jose saw all of this free food and went on a mad one and basically ate all of it. I wish I was joking. 

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