Rouzi’s First Day In Brighton

My friend Rouzi arrived to Brighton
22 hours ago and it is so nice to have her here. And she’s not visiting
– she also moved here. We picked her up and helped her carry the bags
then we watched her brushing her teeth for the first time in her new
bathroom..we spoke to her flatmate and we showed her a bit of the
Brighton. She was soooo excited! We had to took few
pictures of her first day. Our plan for today is to explore a little bit
more and go for a picnic! Message for her mum: in the picture she
is talking with you.
P.S.: She has already survived attack of a seagull.
P.S.: She has already survived attack of a seagull.
Moje kamaradka Rouzi prijela do Brightonu
pred 22 hodinami a je moc fajn ji tu mit. A neni tu na navsteve – taky
se sem prestehovala. Vyzvedli jsme ji na zastavce, pomohli ji s taskama a
sledovali jsme, jak si poprve cisti zuby v jeji nove koupelne,
haha..mluvili jsme s jeji spolubydlici a ukazali ji kousek Brightonu. Byla nadsena!
Museli jsme vyfotit par fotek z jejiho prvniho dne tady. Nas plan pro
dnesek je prozkoumavat trochu vic a jit na piknik. Vzkaz pro jeji mamku:
na fotce zrovna telefonuje s vami.
This is originally from July. I had to move my blog.
This is originally from July. I had to move my blog.
Thank you!